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Ginseng, American

  American Ginseng

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Scientific Name: Panax quinquefolius
Common Name:  American Ginseng
Other Common Names:
American Ginseng, American Ginseng Root, Amerikaanse Ginseng, Amerikanischer Ginseng, Five Fingers, Ginseng, Ginseng Americain, Ginseng, American, Man's Health, Red Berry, Tartar Root
Plant Type: Woodland Plant
Where To Plant: Plant in full shade or semi-shade
Soil Types: Light, Medium, or Heavy Soils
Zones (See US Zone map): 3-11
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 30-35
A tea is made from the leaves and the roots. The aromatic root is candied and used as a masticator.
The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in full shade (deep woodland) or semi-shade (light woodland). It requires moist soil. Best is sown in the Fall or Winter. Shipped during November and March.

Ginseng is said to be highly good for the metabolism, and promotes general well being. It has a reputation as an aphrodisiac, but this seems to be totally based on the fact that it relaxes the overly tense person a bit. If you suffer from back pain or T.M.J. adding this to a tea of Catnip and slippery elm may help. It is also presumably useable as an ingredient in a meade or magewine. Order and sow in the Fall or Winter.

Price: $2.95/pkt 
Order Here Online
Bulk 1/4 Oz Ginseng Pack - $9
Bulk 1/2 Oz Ginseng Pack - $17
Bulk 1 Oz Ginseng Pack - $29.95
Bulk 4 Oz Ginseng Pack - $109.95

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Owner Larry Chandler of Sand Mountain Herb Seed CompanyHi, this is Larry Chandler.  Owner of Sand Mountain Herbs.  How would you like to join our informative herbal newsletter?  The form is below to join.  It is fun and informative... Trust me!  I will personally guide you to herb gardening success and keep you posted on my latest herbs... no cost to join, so you have nothing to lose and have only herbs to gain! 

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Looking for Where to Buy Ginseng?  You are at the right place!

EXTRA NOTES: Order stratified American ginseng seeds online here!  Whenever buying ginseng seeds, make Sand Mountain your herb seed company of choice!   If you have any questions about growing ginseng, be sure to ask us.   We have worked with ginseng for over 30 years now, starting with the wild plants to simulated woods grown to potted ginseng.  We have tried it all with great success. We definitely know how to plant ginseng seeds effectively for home use or for the open ginseng market.  We are offering stratified American ginseng seed for sale online here! 

Growing ginseng is easy, but you have to do your plantings the right way.  We are here to help you get the best results with planting ginseng from seed.  The biggest thing to remember is that when growing ginseng, you need to remember that it is a woodlands plant that loves the shade.  So if you can replicate the  natural woodland plants growing conditions that ginseng thrives in, then you will definitely be successful.   Fall planted ginseng seed does the best in moist shady conditions, and will germinate in the spring.

Ginseng, Not Just for The Roots: 
Most people want ginseng for the roots, however Panax quinquefolius does make a beautifully interesting plant as well with a nice red cluster of berries in the fall.  The plant is certainly a conversation piece for your herb garden or landscape.  

This plants forked root and leaves are cherished for its use in Chinese medicine.   This is why the root is so highly valued.  It is not uncommon to sell ginseng roots at $400 or more per pound, but the prices vary from year to year depending on the Chinese ginseng buying market. 

Ginseng root in herbal applications is said to be a natural energy booster, immune system strengthener, and homeopathic stress reliever.

What is ginseng?

What is ginseng?  Panax quinquefolius is a  perennial herb that usually is found in deciduous forests of the eastern United States.  It is becoming harder to find due to over harvesting in some areas, but it is still thriving in the wild.   There are many benefits of ginseng so be sure to check them out.

Ginseng Seed for Sale Here

Sand Mountain Herbs:  We mail ginseng seed worldwide.  Order with confidence using Paypal or simply mail us a check with the order form.  We will ship asap. 

tags: American ginseng seed company, Panax quinquefolius
wild ginseng seeds, plant ginseng seeds effectively, Appalachian wild simulated woodland ginseng seed for sale, feel safe, buyer protection, germinate, germination of ginseng seed, successful germination rate, harvesting & cultivating wildgrown ginseng seeds, plants, and roots, growing instructions, giinseng seeds for sale online, seedbeds, timber land, forest, temperate forest, mountainside, exotic seeds, heirloom, fast ginseng woods grown, ginseng seed rootlets, buying ginseng seeds, selling ginseng seeds online, how to plant plant stratified ginseng, wild grown ginseng seeds suppliers, 


  Sand Mountain Herbs   321 County Road 18  Fyffe, AL 35971  Email: Click here to email Sand Mountain Herbs

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herb seeds, garden seeds, plants, gardening, herb plants, herbal company, herbal treatments, alternative medicine, natural medicine, antique seeds, unusual and exotic seeds, American Ginseng