Many of the plant seeds (30-40%) offered on
www.SandMountainHerbs.com are native to the North Alabama area as well
as many from far away lands. All plants offered here can be grown in the
state of Alabama.

Sand Mountain is very unique in that its
soil is primarily made of sand. The mountain is a flat topped plateau that
is a part of the foothills of the Appalachian mountain chain. The entire
area is home to numerous state parks as well as Little River National Preserve
on Sand Mountain's sister mountain, Lookout Mountain. Most of the land is
approximately half forest (woods as we say around here) and half farmland with
lots of deep hollows along the edge of the mountain. Beautiful place to
Types of Herbal Plants Found on Sand Mountain
Sand Mountain is filled with an abundance of herbs. Many people think
of these plants as "weeds", but we know that God placed the plants of the field
for our use. In our yards, cancer weed, sheep sorrel, star of David, goose
grass, even morning glories can be found very easy. The wooded areas
have a great number of medicinal trees... red oak, willow, sassafras, witch
hazel, sweet gum, and more. You can also find lower growing plants
like ginseng, black cohosh, bloodroot, yellow root (on river bottoms), trillium
(red & white), yellow flag, ground nut, Solomon's seal, goldenseal, and more.
The open areas tend to have herbs like blackberry, honeysuckle, butterfly weed,
New York iron weed, etc. We could go on and on but you get the idea.
A wise old herbalist from this area, Tommy Bass, once said that we could be
walking on the cures to many diseases, even cancer, and not even realize it.
Many people want to look to the rain forests of South America and other far way
places, but we think that Sand Mountain is home to cured yet discovered.
Feel free to email us with any questions at
Seed catalog at link below
Sand Mountain Herbs Herb Seed Catalog & Seed Search