Sand Mountain Herbs
Sand Mountain Herbs

Medicinal Values of Herbs

  Most herbs listed are used medicinally in some form or fashion.  God gave us the herbs of the field for "healing of the nations".   Herbs oftentimes have minerals, vitamins, and even antibiotic substances that can build up our body's immune system against disease. 


We Now Have

Hops is In Stock!

Here is a sample of some of the herbs that we have.Aloe ferox
Lemon Eucalyptus | Leopard Lily | Licorice | Lime Basil | Loofah | Lovage | Luffa | Mammoth Basil | Manuka | Manuka | Marshmallow | Marshmallow

For full list visit our herb catalog by common names or scientific name.


Owner Larry Chandler of Sand Mountain Herb Seed CompanyHi, this is Larry Chandler.  Owner of Sand Mountain Herbs.  How would you like to join our informative herbal newsletter?  The form is below to join.  It is fun and informative... Trust me!  I will personally guide you to herb gardening success and keep you posted on my latest herbs... no cost to join, so you have nothing to lose and have only herbs to gain! 

Add your first name and email address to join the Sand Mountain Herbs newsletter. 
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  Sand Mountain Herbs   321 County Road 18  Fyffe, AL 35971     Email: Click here to email Sand Mountain Herbs

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all rights reserved



herb seeds, garden seeds, plants, gardening, herb plants, herbal company, herbal treatments, alternative medicine, natural medicine, antique seeds, unusual and exotic seeds, Greek Oregano