Mustard, Brown

Scientific Name: Brassica juncea
Common Name: Brown Mustard
Other Common Names:
Brown Mustard, Chinese Green,
Chinese Mustard, Gai Cai, Gai Choy, India Mustard, Indian Greens, Indian
Mustard, Jie Cai, Kaai Tsoi, Karashina, Karasi-Na, Kyomizuna, Kyona, Leaf
Mustard, Mizuna, Mizuna Greens, Mizuna Mustard, Mustard Cabbage, Mustard Greens,
Pot Herb Mustard, Sawi-sawi, Sesawi, Shui Cai, Takana
Plant Type: Annual
Where To Plant: Full Sun to Partly Shady
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 7-11
Germination: Easy
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 100
Uses: Medicinal
Notes: Seeds stronger than white mustard seeds
BRASSICA JUNCEA. Condiment mustard most used in commerce for commercial prepared mustards and mustard powder. Seeds are darker and hotter than white mustard (Brassica hirta). Now commonly used in place of black mustard (Brassica nigra) because it is easier to harvest. Formerly sold incorrectly as black mustard. Much of the seed industry has the true botanical identity of this mustard wrong. True black mustard is apparently not available as seed for planting purposes in North America.
Price: $1.95/pkt
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Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.