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Cooking Herbs

  Grow all your common cooking herbs from seed!  All these herbs have some sort of culinary use and are known as the cooking herbs.

Visit our Herb Seed Catalog for Growing Your Own Garden Herbs!

List of Cooking Herbs (only a few)

Here are a few common garden herbs for cooking.  We have many more but they will be listed below the article. 

Spanish Sage - Used in Spanish dishes, and has a an added benefit of lowering high sugar!

Safflower - Used to make cooking oil. 

Greek Myrtle - Spicy leaves can be used in cooking like the bay leaf.

Wild Thyme - You can tell your spouse that you had a "Wild Thyme" cooking supper!  :-)

Sacred Green Basil - Good in salads and cooking.

Chives - Essential kitchen herb!  Chopped leaves offer great improvement to salads, soups, vegetables, omelet's, and cheese dishes.

Blue Seeded Poppy - 'Poppy seeds' are used on breads, cakes, bagels, and in Middle Eastern dishes such as halva.

Cinnamon Basil  

....and many more! 

Cooking with Fresh Herbs

Cooking herbs are essential to the kitchens of those who love organic cooking and recipes!  The fact is that fresh cooking herbs are better for you than the dried out and old culinary herbs that sit on grocery store shelves. 

Parsley, sage, coriander, and thyme and many more herbs are great in the kitchen.  The list of cooking herbs are endless. Get some creative cooking ideas with herbs that we offer the seeds on.  The seeds themselves are not edible (or we do not recommend that anyway in most cases), but they have the potential of giving you a bountiful harvest in the future. 

Plant a Cooking Herb Garden!

If you've always thought you'd like to plant an herb garden, today is the best time to start one! Horticulturists recommend planting most cooking herbs that are annuals  after the last day of frost in the spring. This way you avoid losing the tender herbs to a late frost.  The perennials need to often go through a cold cycle so late fall or early winter is best.  Just make sure you know, because it can really cause problems if you are not equipped with the right info on growing cooking herbs. 

Think about how great it is to be able to go in the garden and gather your own food and tasty garden herbs to give your dishes a world of wonderful flavors!  You can definitely reduce the fat and salt in your diet by looking to flavor more with the herbs in your garden. In fact, if you dont have space for a big garden, or just like simple, try growing the herbs, like windowsill chives) in pot on your deck or in your kitchen window. 

When growing your herbs in your  garden, it is best to grow them organically for use in recipes.  Who wants to ingest more pesticides in the food we eat?

When gathering the herbs, we recommend that the best time for picking is mid-morning shortly after the dew has dried off the leaves. Wait too long and the sun gets way too hot. The time of day can also affect the flavor and longevity of the cooking herbs that you pick. 

Don't Be Afraid To Try New Cooking Herbs!

There are many herbs used in cooking.  In fact, we have over 400 varieties of herbs to choose from.  Some are culinary, some medicinal, so be sure you know what kind of herb you are planning to grow.

Lemon balm is a nice herb I always liked to experiment with in the kitchen.  The lemony taste is just to good to not use.  It is also good in some water!  Rub it into meat, add it to sauces, lots of applications in recipes to enhance flavor!

We have what is called windowsill chives which make a great addition to any kitchen and can be plucked at a moments notice to give the deeply satisfying taste of fresh chives!  In fact... Cooking with herbs are loads of fun!  I love chives in soups, potatoes, chicken, and a lot of different dishes.

How To Add Cooking Herbs to Hot Dishes

Fresh herbs are a little different in how they are used in cooking.  Dried herbs can be added at any time in a dish usually, and often at the first, but fresh herbs are very different.  This is because that fresh organic herbs are best added usually toward the end of a cooked dish in order to maintain the optimum flavor.  Some of the more delicate herbs used for food flavoring, like mint, chives, basil, dill, parsley, and others can even be sprinkled on minutes prior to serving. 

Obviously in the baked dishes, such as in breads, herbs are added to the recipe in the beginning.  Other dishes may require the fresh herbs to be mixed in the last 20 minutes of serving.  Be sure to find out the recommendations, but also dont be afraid to test things and see what you like the best! 

Many people like to use a natural clay Chinese herb cooker but it is not necessary when preparing certain herbs.  Any stainless steel pot will do really.

Herbal cooking is just like an art.  In art, creativity is king and whatever you like is what is best for you! 

What is The Difference in Herbs and Spices in the Kitchen?

Spices and herbs are different in that herbs are usually edible leafy green plants are shopped up small (usually) and used primarily for flavoring purposes in dishes.  Food spices on the other hand are generally ground up into a powder.  The parts of the plant are different in that often you see it being taken from dried seed, bark, root, fruit, or some other part of the plant generally not real good for eating alone. This imparts a great deal of flavor to the dish, drink/culinary teas, or canned goods that uses it.

Cooking spices have been used for cooking seasoning since the beginning of time.  Who knows, Eve, in the garden of Eden, may have scraped some bark off a cinnamon tree to sprinkle on the apple the apple she was eating?  Never know! Just kidding, but really, you can look back the Biblical days even and see that they were used quite often.  In the book of Genesis, very early on, we get the story of Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers to spice merchants.

Overall, cooking with herbs and spices makes for a great flavor combination in recipes! 

Herbs On The Grill! 

If you are like me, grilling with herbs is one the coolest things about firing up the grill.  Yeah I know, some of you are saying that really I am interested in the meat that comes off the grill.  Yes I am!, but did you know that the meats can be enhanced greatly by adding herbs and spices to them?  There is simply not a better way to take advantage of the season's harvest of cooking herbs

When it comes to a good grill, people have a wide variety of ways that they like to use herbs.  Many times, fresh herbs are used in marinades to soak the meats overnight.  The flavors seep into the meat making for a delicious grill the next day. 

Some like to throw herbs on the hot coals to give the smoke a nice rich flavor.  The herbs are commonly soaked in water first, and laid across the coals.  Common herbs for this include sage and rosemary. 

Some people just like to wrap their meats in herbs, and cover with foil!  The softer herbs work great for this.

Some of the woodier herbs like french thyme are simply laid on top for the meats. Some can be used whole on the grill.

I like to pop tomatillos on the skewer with onions, green peppers, squash, and any other nice garden vegetable I can find that is suitable for grilling.  It makes a tasty side dish to the meats I am cooking up, or even the main course with some meats put on the skewers. 

Cooking with Herbs Recipes

Herbs and cooking go hand and hand!  Cookbooks are full of recipes incorporating herbs, but we are looking into getting a page up of recipes using the cooking herbs that we offer.  That is coming soon.  Email them to us and we will post for our other viewers to see. Take a look at some of the herb cookbooks offered below at Amazon. 


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We Now Have

Hops is In Stock!

Here is a sample of some of the herbs that we have.Aloe ferox
Mitsuba | Mole Plant | Mole Plant | Money Plant Honesty | Morning Glory | Morning Glory | Moss Curled Parsley Triple Curled | Mother Of Thyme | Motherwort Siberian | Motherwort | Motherwort

For full list visit our herb catalog by common names or scientific name.


Owner Larry Chandler of Sand Mountain Herb Seed CompanyHi, this is Larry Chandler.  Owner of Sand Mountain Herbs.  How would you like to join our informative herbal newsletter?  The form is below to join.  It is fun and informative... Trust me!  I will personally guide you to herb gardening success and keep you posted on my latest herbs... no cost to join, so you have nothing to lose and have only herbs to gain! 

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  Sand Mountain Herbs c/o Larry Chandler  321 County Road 18  Fyffe, AL 35971  Email: Click here to email Sand Mountain Herbs


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