Dill, Bouquet

Scientific Name: Anethum graveolens
Common Name: Bouquet Dill
Other Common Names:
Baston Do Diale, Catahva, Datli Boyana, Dereotu, Dill, Dille, East Indian Dill, Eneldo, Habbat Helwah, Hinojo,
Indian Dill, Inojo, Inondo, King Desertparsley, Sadhab Al Barr, Surva, King Desert Parsley
Plant Type: Annual
Where To Plant: Full sun
Soil Types: Average
Zones (See US Zone map): 3-9
Germination: Easy.
Number of Seeds Per Pack: 100
Uses: Culinary
Notes: Bouquet dill is great for dill pickles.
(ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS) In the history of mankind, dill has been highly regarded. As a matter of fact, in ancient times, the
Greeks believed that dill was an indication of prosperity. Deals will known for having a carminative effect in relieving intestinal gas.
Dill seed is used to soothe the stomach after a meal. Dill is used as an herb in many culinary dishes, but the most common is dill pickles.
It's fern-like leaves are very aromatic and based used when fresh.
Order Bouquet Dill seeds on Amazon
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Tags: dill seed for sale, dill seeds, order dill seed, Anethum graveolens seed online, dill seed, dillseed, seed planting instructions, dill bouquet, dill weed seed, dill from seed, growing dill from seed, herb garden dill
Any statement made concerning medical
conditions treated with this herb is not intended as sound medical advice. The
seeds are NOT to be ingested only planted. Herbs need to taken only with
the guidance of a trained physician or established herblist.